Monday 14 October 2013

my intro

This very moment, I have a lot of thoughts on my mind.
I have graduated with probably the best result in my department, tops in my faculty and school at large.
At this point, I cant help but ask “what next?
I have done part time jobs in teaching, it inspires me and I luv it because it is fun to me and helps me feel young, important and very attractive. Now am thinking, where do I go next from here,?
Alrite, let me try some introduction, am Chinonso Jay Ndubuisi, the full name on my birth certificate, buh I have shortened the name to what am more comfortable and happy with, Nonso Jay Ndubuisi. At least no one would accuse me of drifting too far.
Am online everyday cos I luv fun, yet am boring. I like reading what people are writing and willing to share because the truth is that it inspires me. There is this line I read from a friend wall that I luv so much and hold so close to my heart. It goes like this “no matter what happens, hold on to your passion, don’t  give up on your passion. Am loving this cos it so much inspires me. And am here right now , thinking bout my passion. Uhm am a passionate person, am so passionate about anything that interest me, but am not saying that all that interest me are my passion. Let me try listing some things or activities am so passionate about.
1.       Acting- believe me, one day and very soon I will be the biggest actress alive
2.       Food. I luv food, so am passionate bout foods that taste great! that's were the major challenge of my life lies.
3.       Staying slim. Am passionate bout a trendy and slim figure bout I cant seem to stop my romance with food., so I always try to watch my weight. Am always saying am on diet, yet I eat more than those who don’t diet
4.       Exercise, not like am passionate for exercising for the sake of exercise, but for the sake of achieving my no 2 and no 3 goal.
5.       Least I forget, am very passionate about love and having a great relationship and a famous family.
6.       Money. Mehn I would luv to make A lot of money so that I can provide for my entire family and put smiles on everyone’s face that knows me.
With God, I know I can achieve this and many more. I will never forget to stay through to my passion.
Yea, there is another passion am discovering, WRITING!!!!!!!. YEA, U saw that, and that’s why u r reading this, buh my challenge is that am a boring person and a very vibrant person, wild combination!. Pray for me that I make it friends. 
Dedicated me. NOSKY- 
(that’s what my very best paddies call me).
 God bless ya